[MOON –Changing–]
The moon has been considered a mysterious entity since ancient times because of its ever-changing appearance. In addition, the fact that it waxes and wanes and revives again and again makes it a symbol of immortality and growth. As it changes its appearance a little each day, it teaches us the "beauty of things that change" and the "importance of change."
Moon: Change
Size: Approx. 22mm x 22mm (glass part)
Specifications: Pendant
Accessories: Leather cord + Silver chain +
Pendant stand
Material: Moretti (by Effetre) Venice/
Glass from Murano (Italy)
Metal parts: Silver (SILVER925)
Yellow gold plating (K18YGP)
Technique: A realistic unicorn is created on clear glass. The glass is carved into a sphere and a crater is engraved on the back.