[Scarab –Resurrection–]
Scarab is an ancient Egyptian word for scarab beetles, dung beetles, etc. Scarabs roll dung balls to create large spheres. These spheres were likened to the sun, and scarabs were identified with the god who controlled the movement of the sun. The sun is also a symbol of rebirth and resurrection, and scarabs were worshiped as sacred beetles.
Size: Approx. 23mm x 16mm (glass part)
Specifications: Pendant
Accessories: Leather cord + Silver chain +
Pendant stand
Material: Moretti (by Effetre) Venice/
Glass from Murano (Italy)
Metal parts: Silver (SILVER925)
Yellow gold plating (K18YGP)
Technique: A realistic scarab beetle is trapped inside pale blue glass. The carefully cut and polished shape refracts the incoming light and makes it shine inside the glass.