[Ammonite – Prosperity –]
Ammonites flourished and spread widely throughout the oceans for about 350 million years, from the end of the Silurian Period of the Paleozoic Era to the end of the Cretaceous Period of the Mesozoic Era. They must have supported the lives of many different organisms as prey for an incredibly long period of time. Every time I see a fossil, I am reminded that the history of the Earth owes its existence to such creatures, and I feel deeply grateful.
Size: Approx. 19mm x 15mm (glass part)
Specifications: Pendant
Accessories: Leather cord + Silver chain +
Pendant stand
Material: Moretti (by Effetre) Venice/
Glass from Murano (Italy)
Metal parts: Silver (SILVER925)
Yellow gold plating (K18YGP)
Technique: Pale beige/blue glass with an ammonite intaglio engraved from the back.